The human body is a complex system and for its normal functioning it is necessary for all organs to be in order and work efficiently. However, parasites can prevent this and significantly ruin our lives. How can you tell if you are infected with them? Will traditional treatments be effective? When is it time to file an alarm? How can parasites be removed from the human body? What medications are there? All this will be discussed in this article.
How do you know when it's time to poison them?
Some parasites are able to appear immediately after infection. Others may live with you for years and not feel at all. How to check for parasites in the body?
Unfortunately, almost everyone has these uninvited guests.It is not difficult to get infected with them at all, which cannot be said about the process of fighting them.
It should be noted that most of the symptoms of the presence of a parasite are similar, but some manifestations themselves warn a person of the presence of a particular parasite.
The most common are:
- frequent headaches;
- constant weakness;
- nausea and vomiting;
- indigestion;
- increased or decreased appetite;
- bad breath;
- dizziness;
- nervous disorders;
- circles under the eyes.
And this is not a complete list of problems caused by pests. It is sad that when a patient is admitted to the hospital, doctors do not always seek to establish their presence, but immediately prescribe a course of treatment for the suspected disease.But sometimes it is enough just to destroy the parasites and health will improve significantly.
Not surprisingly, the human body looks like a tasty bite for these pests. After all, their main food is glucose and sucrose. Pests in the human body can be unicellular or multicellular. These are the ones that most often attack our body:
- roundworm;
- blades;
- lamblia;
- opisthorchiasis;
- staphylococci;
- streptococci.

Symptoms of individual parasites: salmonella
This is not a complete list of pests. For example, when salmonella enters the body (usually through infected bird eggs), a person suddenly develops weakness, fatigue, and a severe stool disorder. The negative condition is accompanied by headache and severe pain in the lower back.
The intensity of symptoms depends largely on the number of parasites and on what period of their life cycle at the moment.If you do not seek help in time, the patient's condition can reach a critical level: due to the pain, the patient will not even be able to move independently.
Signs of Epstein-Barr virus infection
Some parasites and viruses "eat" the human nervous system. For example, the Epstein-Barr virus. It may not show up for a while.Soon, however, one will notice a deterioration in mood, sudden changes.All this can turn into depression and even lead to a visit to a psychiatrist.
However, this does not solve the problem because its root is elsewhere. You can take serious medications that suppress the work of the central nervous system, but this will only ruin your health. It is better to first identify the parasitic organisms and destroy them. All unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own, without external intervention.
Giardia Symptoms
If the so-called allergy appears on the body and you have never suffered from it before, it is worth thinking about.Small red spots located in different parts of the body, accompanying acute paroxysmal pain in the abdomen and intestines, frequent diarrhea - can warn of giardia. This insidious guest loves sweet foods and, living in your body, gradually eats it. At the same time, you may find that mucus is present in the stool and the anus is very itchy at night. Asthma symptoms may develop. All these are the consequences of the activity of lamblias. How important it is to find out the cause in time and start the right treatment without eating too much medicine!

Of course, you can remove these pests from your body at home, but not all. This should be taken into account when choosing a method of treatment. Obviously, infection with them can lead to serious consequences and the signs of the disease should not be ignored.
Tip! If you have any of these symptoms and suspect the presence of parasitic organisms, contact your doctor and ask for a referral for a blood test, mentioning why. Their presence is well determined by computer diagnostics of the body.
If pests are found in children, this requires special attention. With the growing organism, they can play a cruel joke. They can not only destroy your health, but also affect your child's development.
Infection methods
There are actually many of them:
- Some pests are transmitted by air or by hand.
- You can get sick from drinking poor quality water.Infection can occur even if you drink purified tap water at home, as some pests are much smaller than filters and glide inside.
- You can get parasites through poorly washed vegetables and fruits, especially those brought from tropical countries.
- Raw fish are a powerful source of parasites.
- Contact with animals, even if not close (approximately five meters), can lead to pest infestation through saliva and air.
- Pests are also transmitted through blood-sucking insect bites or even just flies.
As we have seen, infection is easy. Some of them, such as amoebae, are often diagnosed in people coming from vacation in tropical countries. These pests can only be cured medically. Traditional methods are powerless. This means that it is necessary to understand not only the folk methods of control, but also to learn how to eliminate them with drugs.
Use of folk remedies
Fortunately, some folk remedies have worked well enough.
There are several methods. The most common and effective are:
- herbs;
- pumpkin and nuts;
- triad;
- spicy foods;
- coconut;
- onions and garlic;
- cloves;
- cinnamon.

Now let's take a closer look at how to deal with this scourge using all these methods.
Effective herbs
Each parasite killing course should consist of several stages. This also applies to the use of herbs. So which herbs are best to use?
Let's divide the treatment into three stages.
Stage 1
At this stage it is effective to apply wormwood. It acts intensively on adult parasites and significantly reduces their population.
It is necessary to take 100 ml of wormwood tincture twice a day. The solution should be taken on an empty stomach. It is best to take freshly prepared infusion: pour 200 ml of boiling water on a spoonful of herbs, leave to infuse for half an hour and drain. This amount of medicine is enough for one day.
Important! Do not use this method for people with a weakened body and psyche. Wormwood is a powerful substance that can even cause hallucinations. However, it effectively attacks parasitic organisms. Never exceed the permissible dose!
The first stage of treatment can last 5 days. Then we move on to the next step of treatment.
Stage 2
Pumpkin seeds are used simultaneously with herbs. To do this, you need to clean about 300 g of seeds, but it is important to keep the green shell of the grain - it is in it that there are so many necessary substances.
Preparation of herbal infusion: add in equal proportions:
- tansy;
- chamomile (flowers);
- oak bark;
- buckwheat bark.
All this should be filled with half a liter of water and left in a warm place. Ideally - in a thermos. Leave it overnight.
You should eat boiled seeds on an empty stomach and drink a third of the infusion.
Then you need to take a laxative.It is best to use natural substances, not pharmaceutical tablets.
Repeat this for five days. The body should then be given a ten-day rest. This is important for the healing of the intestinal walls.
Stage 3
The main goal of this stage is to cleanse the liver. To do this, use the following infusion: a spoonful of nettle in a glass of boiling water, boil for about 15 minutes, leave for half an hour. Drink a few spoonfuls 3-4 times a day. Lemon juice and olive oil will be helpful.
This whole cleansing course should be repeated twice. With secondary use after the second stage, rest is not worth giving, as the intestinal trauma will no longer be the same as the first time.
Pumpkin and nuts will help
Even our grandparents knew what a priceless pumpkin can help human health! However, to be effective against parasitic organisms, it is best used with the bark. Or try to keep the inner shell when cleaning the nipples.
Sprinkle the prepared beans with salt water. Fry in a pan. Eat regularly.This product effectively fights roundworms and other pests. The walnut also has power against them. How to use?
- Prepare 4 tablespoons chopped nuts.
- Pour a glass of boiling water and salt.
- Boil the composition.
- Boil for half an hour.
- The whole composition should be drunk in small portions a day.
Using the triad
The triad must include the following components:
- cloves;
- tansy;
- wormwood.
To prepare a triad, take:
- 50 g;
- 100 g;
- respectively 30 g of each herb.

All these components must be ground to a powder and mixed.Take one teaspoon at a time. The rest of the mixture should be stored in a dry and cool place in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.
The first day is enough to take the triad once - half an hour before meals. Drink the composition with plenty of water and generally try to drink at least two liters of water a day during the treatment period.
On the second and third day of treatment, medicinal herbs should be taken twice a day and then three times a day. The course should be several months. Once the parasites are killed, you can continue to take the medicine on a spoon only once a week - this will be enough to prevent and prevent re-infection. Within a year you will completely get rid of pests in the body.
Spicy food
While regular consumption of spicy foods makes it difficult to completely eliminate parasites, it is still possible to significantly reduce their number in the body.You should not use this method to remove pests in children, and those who have stomach problems should also be careful with this method.
It is better to use spicy foods as a preventive measure - the role of pepper in this regard is quite weak, and the risk to the stomach is quite high.
Oddly enough, this product can help you get rid of pests. You can use both fresh coconut and separately purchased coconut flakes and coconut milk to prepare a healing decoction. Children will surely love this delicious method of pest control.- If using coconut, separate the milk from the coconut itself and grate the pulp on a fine grater.
- Mix everything together.
- Take a teaspoon of the product on an empty stomach every day.
- Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator.
The course of treatment with this method should last one week. Then you need to take a break and repeat the course again.
Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic have a number of advantages, as they contain not only substances needed by the body, but also components that are harmful to certain types of pests.
To heal with a bow, try the following:
- cut onions with a meat grinder or blender;
- add a glass of boiling water;
- leave to infuse overnight;
- Strain and take half a cup a day.

This procedure should be done for several days. Then you can either take a break and repeat the course, or switch to another method.
Garlic is commonly used as a base for candles.After cutting the garlic head, pour a small amount of boiling water over it. After half an hour, prepare a candle by wetting the cotton with this solution and wrapping it with a bandage. The candle is placed in the anus for 15-20 minutes.
Other ways to control pests in the body
Let's look at some more treatments:
- cloves;
- cinnamon.
If you chew a piece of cloves several times a day for a month, you will soon suppress the vital activity of almost all types of pests.
Cloves have a very similar effect to cinnamon. Take it regularly and add it to your favorite dishes. One dose should be about one-eighth of a teaspoon.
It is important to remember that if you want to control parasites, you must completely eliminate sweets and alcohol.Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. You can't get carried away with cakes, pastries and treat an infection at the same time. Otherwise, the pests will receive a lot of food on a regular basis, so they will be free to hide in cysts and survive the treatment period, and subsequently regain their activity.
But how to take them out with pills?

Taking pills
Of course, drugs from the pharmacy can also be helpful. However, in no case should you self-medicate and prescribe your own medication. This can cause severe liver damage.
Only a doctor can determine the dosage and frequency of administration!